
La Logica di Russel, il Coraggio di Camus e la Fede di Chesterton.

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

Fairy Tales

Da "" :

Alice and Martin Provensen’s Stunning Vintage Illustrations for Twelve Classic Fairy Tales

From “The Happy Prince” to “The Beauty and the Beast,” by way of feminism and art history.
As a hopeless fan of Alice and Martin Provensen and a lover of fairy tales, especially ones featuring exquisite illustrations and beautiful reimaginings of the classics, I was delighted to come across The Provensen Book of Fairy Tales (public library) — an out-of-print gem published in 1971, in which the creative duo bring their singular whimsy to twelve beloved fairy tales. From classics like “The Beauty and the Beast” to literary tales like Oscar Wilde’s “The Happy Prince” to a recasting of Grimm’s goose girl as a heroine driven by the women’s liberation movement of the 1970s, it is at once a timeless treasure trove of storytelling and a subtle time-capsule of cultural history.
'The Swan Maiden' by Howard Pyle
'The Swan Maiden' by Howard Pyle
'The Forrest Bride' by Parker Fillmore
'The Forrest Bride' by Parker Fillmore
'Feather O' My Wing' by Seamus MacManus
'Feather O' My Wing' by Seamus MacManus
In the foreword, Joan Bodger makes an important distinction, which Philip Pullman would come to echo in his retelling of The Brothers Grimm:
The stories in this book are literary fairy tales and thus may seem both familiar and unfamiliar. They are literary fairy tales because they are consciously created pieces of literature. The folk fairy tale is much more ancient, handed along through time (inheritance) and space (diffusion). Folk tales are so transformed by many tellings that no one knows for sure where they began, or how, or why. Certain it is that men and women in every time and every place have tried to impart what is most powerful or complicated or downright funny about the human condition by making up stories to explain the inexplicable.
The literary tale borrows shamelessly from the folk tale but gives it a new twist or dimension… Literary tales are filched from the seething cauldron of folklore, but the best bits and pieces of them are thrown back into the pot to be used again and again.
'The Prince Rabbit' by A. A. Milne
'The Prince Rabbit' by A. A. Milne
'The Prince Rabbit' by A. A. Milne
'The Prince and the Goose Girl' by Elinor Mordaunt
'The Happy Prince' by Oscar Wilde
'The Lost Half-Hour' by Henry Beston
'The Nightingale' by Hans Christian Andersen
'The Seven Simons' by Ruth Manning-Sanders
'The Beauty and the Beast' by Arthur Rackham
Martin Provensen died of a heart attack in 1987, but Alice has continued to write and illustrate well into her nineties. Their artwork has inspired generations of children and its influence quietly reverberates through styles of some of today’s most celebrated artists and illustrators like Vladimir Radunsky. (That their Wikipedia page is so incomplete and out-of-date is truly a shame.)
Complement The Provensen Book of Fairy Tales with Edward Gorey’s take on three classic fairy tales and Kay Nielsen’s stunning 1914 illustrations for Scandinavian fairy tales.

Thanks, Gjela

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